BBL® Laser

BBL® and BBL Hero® laser treatments for face and body

Skin Hero uses a Sciton® laser at our mobile laser clinic. This is a BBL® machine with Broad Band Light therapy technology and can treat a wide variety of conditions on both the face and on the body:

Our experience is that BBL® offers the very best treatment for pigmentation on the face and body.

The results we’ve achieved for clients at our skin clinic speak for themselves.

For serious anti-ageing treatments, Skin Hero offers SkinTyte™. This is a comfortable, non-invasive laser treatment with broadband light phototherapy that penetrates deep into the dermis to combat visible signs of ageing. It’s the best skin tightening treatment for sagging skin and also for stretch mark treatment. There’s no downtime, and the BBL® skin therapy can be performed on any area of the face or body. 


You can accelerate and extend the results of your treatment with an effective skincare routine. When you come for your treatment, Skin Hero will recommend the best products to use – and how to use them.

FAQs: frequently asked questions about BBL®

You’ll initially have a detailed consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate for the BBL® treatment.

If so, your skin will be cleansed and prepped, and you’ll have safety goggles to protect your eyes. Next, we apply a cooling gel to the area being treated.

For the BBL® treatment itself, the chilled applicator is placed on your skin to deliver the broad band light energy.

Some areas on the skin will be more sensitive than others, however most clients say that the sensation feels like a ‘warm flick or ‘rubber band snap’ to the skin. The treatment will take 15 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.

It is very important that you avoid direct sun exposure 30 days prior and 30 days after your BBL® treatment. In some cases, a topical serum to inhibit the production of melanin is required to ensure your skin is in an optimal condition to treat.

Fake tan cannot be used 3 weeks before your treatment, otherwise light can be attracted to it and burning can occur. 

Initially after the treatment you may experience some redness and warmth to the skin; some clients describe this sensation like mild sunburn. This generally resolves in a few hours.

In most cases you are able to apply makeup and resume most of your activities immediately. However, you must avoid excessive exercise, hot showers, saunas, and direct sun exposure. 

With Forever Young® BBL, for any pigmented lesions, you will see a darkening of the treated area followed by fading and some flaking off at a later stage. This lasts from 7 to 10 days after face treatments, and 14 to 21 days for body treatments. Once this stage has completed, your skin will feel smoother, pores will be less noticeable, and sunspots and uneven pigmentation will fade.

Results will depend on individual conditions, the number of treatments, and the area being treated. Your treatment course and results will be explained to you at your consultation.

The number of treatments needed and how your results last varies from person to person. This can depend on a range of factors, such as skin condition, time spent outdoors, hormonal medications, and medical conditions.

At your initial consultation, a personalised treatment plan will be provided – however this can change depending on your skin’s response to the treatment. 

Many patients get a satisfactory improvement just after 1 or 2 BBL® laser treatments. However, with stubborn skin conditions such as sun spots, rosacea, and acne, a course of 3 to 6 treatments may be needed.

The time between treatments depends on the condition being treated. For example, for pigmentation issues, treatments are generally every 4 to 6 weeks, and for rosacea and acne it would be 2 to 3 weeks between treatments.

For optimal results and to avoid the ageing process, it is recommended to maintain results with a Forever Young® BBL laser treatment every 3 months.

BBL® sends broad band light energy, which then gets converted into heat when it reaches the top layers of the skin. The heat energy is attracted and absorbed to different colours in the skin such as melanin (brown and pigment spots) and reds (fine broken blood vessels and papules). The light then damages the unwanted concerns, removing it from the skin to its natural healthy condition. This results in the skin achieving a lovely even colour, refined texture, and giving a more youthful appearance.

Do not receive a BBL® or Moxi™ skin treatment if you:

  • Have been tanning in the sun or using sunbeds.
  • Have used fake tans 2 weeks prior.
  • Are on strong antibiotics, using Retin-A, or bleaching cream.
  • Have a history of melanoma or have active skin infections.
  • If you have a history of cold sore (herpes) outbreaks, we recommend seeing your General Practitioner prior to treatment for anti-viral medication, to take on the day of the treatment to prevent an outbreak from occurring.

BBL® and BBL Hero® before and after photos

Here’s what we’ve achieved for our clients with BBL® and BBL Hero®: